Mistress Aislinn de Valence
Crux Australis Herald
Megan Dansie
P.O. Box 526
Unley SA 5061
Phone: IDD+61 8 8293 6635
Important Addresses | Subscriptions
| From Crux | Reports
Heraldic Resources | Submission
Requirements | Lochac Heraldry Policy
Submissions to Laurel | December
Letter | January Letter
February 1998
Those wonderful people who helped.
Gruffydd ap Cynan (Garath Hodges) Acting PE for Blessed Herman
Dafydd Wallraven (David Carlisle)
Brand Regenald (Waseem Kamleh)
William Blackwode (Andrew Kenner)
Tovye Woolmongere (Tony Stankiewicz) PE
Armand de Rochefort (Alan Ogden) Acting Frette Rouge Pursiuvant
Katerina da Brescia (Karen Ogden)
Aislinn de Valence (Megan Dansie) Crux
Next meeting
Sunday March 8th , 2pm. Meetings will usually be on the first Sunday
of the month at 2pm. Call first if you are bringing a submission to the
This is your last issue (unless you renew)
Cordon Rouge Pursuivant
Important Addresses
Hund Herald: þorfinn Hrolfsson. External commentary franchise
and heraldic publications. [Steven Roylance] 1592 Malvern Road, Glen Iris
VIC 3146. Ph (03) 9885 6348.
Cannon Pursuivant: Haos Windchaser. Precedence and Gentry list. [Danny
Bartel] PO Box 1623 Kersbrook SA 5231. Ph (08) 8389 3404.
Baryl Pursuivant: Thomas Flamanc of Kelsale. External commentary.
[John Sawyer] Ph (03) 9543 4847.
Bombard Pursuivant: þorfinn Hrolfsson. Ceremonies deputy.
Drop Dead Deputy and Sydney Regional mentor: Giles Leabrook [Braddon
Giles] 66/122 Saunders St Pyrmont NSW 2009. Ph (02) 9660 3865
Positions vacant:Field/voice deputy; regional mentors.
C.A.M.(e).L. is available from Crux Australis at $20 per year. Make cheques
payable to "SCA Inc. College of Heralds".
Note that due to lower production costs, the Camel will cost $20 a year
from 1st January 1998.
Laurel's Letter of Acceptance and Return is available from the SCA College
of Arms, C/O Mistress Sionyn Muirgen niDhomnall, Pelican Queen of Arms,
Jackie Watson, 3532 Winding Wind Cove, Bartlett, TN 38135-3044, USA for
US$25 per year. Make cheques payable to "SCA Inc. - College of Arms".
Please note that everything of relevance to Lochac will be published in
the CAMeL.
From Crux
Name Sources
Laurel has a list of standard name sources that she recommends. I have some
of these in my library. The list is too long to publish here, but it is
in appendix H to the Administrative Handbook. This is available through
Thorfinn, or the Laurel web page. I recommend that every group herald has
a copy of this, and the Rules for Submissions.
Appendix G to the same Handbook contains a list of name sources to be avoided
in documentation. The include "Baby Name" books, and several sources
that look useful, but are of no assistance in proving the name was used
in period.
More of Master Gereint's Lochac Heraldic Policy...
On Badges [September 1988}
Over a period of years it has become obvious to the senior heralds of the
West (and others) that a great deal of "heraldic space " is being
taken up by registered, but unused badges. And it has become equally obvious
that the kinds of badges that people actually use in a period manner (for
marking goblets, eating utensils, armour, chairs, favours, small children
etc.) are usually too simple to be registered under our current heraldic
However, as the rules for registering badges seem to be getting no looser,
we're recommending that people not register their simple 'use badges'.
Those badges that are actually used in the same manner as devices (household
banners, war unit shields etc.) tend to be more complex and more widely
displayed, and therefore do need the protection of being registered. We
trust that any difficulty that arises between the similarity of any "use
badge" to a registered item being displayed by its owner in the same
immediate area will be resolved in a peaceable manner by those affected.
Any badge that will be used on a banner, shield or tabard should still be
Again, this isn't a new policy, but a slightly stronger restatement of an
old one.
Household names. (Sept., 1988)
It has long been the policy of the West Kingdom College of Heralds to not
register household names. This is because, for the most part, households
tend to be rather transient entities, and it isn't fair to tie up a name
'for all time' when it may well be long-unused.
By all means encourage people to form a household, and give it a name. Just
advise them if they choose a name that's tasteless, or a bit too close to
someone or something famous.
On "Notes for Scribes" (October, 1988)
On the submission forms, there's a spot called 'Notes for Scribes'. This
is where you should note any details that are 'significant' to the submittor,
but that make no heraldic difference. Examples of useful notes to the scribes
might be 'Please make the lion's eyes blue' or 'make sure the unicorn has
a twisted horn' or 'I'd like the dragon drawn in the Germanic style' or
'Please use metallic silver' or 'Please use this style of ermine tail'.
Another good one is 'I'm not a good artist. Please don't duplicate my drawing
When a device or badge is registered, a copy of the drawing is sent to the
College of Scribes. If they prepare any scrolls, they'll use your drawing
as a guide. Quite often, they'll use their 'artist's license' to make the
design as attractive as possible. But if the submittor wants something specific,
its up to them to say so - in the spot marked 'Notes to the Scribe'.
Reports due from all groups by 1st April 1998.
Cantons and Colleges should report through their baronial herald.
Heraldic Resources
Master (Thorfinn) þorfinn is the Australian Agent for Free Trumpet
Press. As the Australian dollar is plunging in value, I have included a
price list. Contact þorfinn directly for the latest prices.
I also recommend that groups acquire some name resources, in particular
Reaney, P.H. & Wilson, R.M. A dictionary of English Surnames
and Withycombe ,E.G. The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names.
Electronic Resources
The Crux Australis web page at contains
useful information for heralds, and links to the SCA Heraldry page, and
other general SCA pages. If you have web access, I recommend that you take
a look.
Many interesting heraldic links can be found through the SCA Heraldry web
page at including the Laurel home page,
on-line armorial and ordinary search, and the Academy of St. Gabriel (a
heraldic consultation service).
Submission Requirements.
Laurel will be issuing new submission forms soon. I will distribute them
when I get them.
Cost: $15 per name, and $15 per device or badge.
No cost for resubmissions.
Make cheques payable to "SCA Inc College of Heralds".
We currently send US$3 (approximately AUS$4.61) to Laurel for each item
This will rise as of 1st January 1998 to US$4 (approximately AUS$ 6.15).
I will try and absorb the cost increase for as long as possible, but if
the Aussie dollar continues to drop, I will have to increase my charges.
Copies required for submissions:
- Names: 4 copies of Name form and ALL documentation, including title
page of each book.
- Devices/Badges: 4 COLOUR copies and one BLACK & WHITE copy. The
colour copies should be accurately coloured, preferably in felt tip pen.
e.g.. Crayola Classic Colours. Faint colour printers or faint coloured pencil
is not acceptable. The colours must be visible across a crowded Herald's
I will reject submissions without a black and white copy as I need to scan
it to produce the Letter of Intent for Laurel.
Please check that submitters have ALL documentation. Remember, they have
to present their submission in a way that makes registration easy. Name
documentation should be as accurate as possible, and copies supplies unless
the reference is standard such as Reaney and Withycombe. Even then, the
page and edition should be quoted.
I know that some of you have few name resources. There is a lot of help
available if you ask for it. I or someone overseas may well be able to help
with that tricky name. If you cannot document a name well, you can still
submit it, BUT submitters should be made aware that if they check the 'make
no changes' box, their name will be returned even if ONE letter is incorrect.
After the March 1998 Laurel meeting we will no longer, barring period evidence
to the contrary, register keyholes, nor will we permit voiding in any shapes
other than a simple geometric charge, or the charge itself, if the charge
is simple enough to void.
Please inform the submitter that Sonia is a masculine name found
in Wickenden, p224, date to 1539.
While it is clear Fleurs -de-lys evolved from lilies, the majority of the
evidence points to them as being considered difference charge in period.
Therefore, we are giving the submitter the benefit of the doubt, and giving
a CD between the calla lilies and the fleurs-de-lys.
Submitted as David Kellahan, this is too close to his legal name,
David Callahan.
Submissions to Laurel
1. Brand Regenanld
Mundane Name: Waseem Kamleh
Group: Innilgard
Consulting Herald: none given
Change of device: Gules, a roundel per pale embowed counterembowed argent
and sable, overall, a sword Or.
Brand's current device is Gules, a roundel per pale embowed counterembowed
argent and sable, overall, a sword Or, hilted argent. He wishes to remove
the argent hilt. He will release his existing device.
2. Brand Regenanld
Mundane name: Waseem Kamleh
Group: Innilgard
Consulting herald: none given
New badge: Gules, two dragons combatant and a base rayonné Or.
Brand intends to use this as a household badge.
3. Caínnear an Ruad
Mundane name: Suzanne Hanna
Group: Innilgard
Consulting Herald: Katerina da Brescia and self.
New name and device submission: Gules, between two flames proper in chief
a pale Or charged with a dragons head couped gules, within a bordure sable.
Caínnear is a variation of the Irish Gaelic name Cainder and
is found in O'Corrain & Maguire p43.
The submitter claims that an Ruad is Irish Gaelic meaning "the
red haired" and is a descriptive surname. This sounds correct to me.
I will leave it up to the College of Arms to confirm this. The submitter
speaks Gaelic, and has permitted no changes or corrections to grammar.
4. Dafydd Wallraven
Mundane name: David Carlisle
Group: Innilgard
Consulting heralds Grainne of Starmount (name) and Tovye Woolmongere (device)
New name and device: Per fess argent and purpure masoned argent, in chief
a raven sable.
Dafydd is a Welsh name which appears in Morgan p81.Wallraven is
in Reaney p369 as John Walraven 1275. The submittor prefers the apparently
more modern spelling with double "l", but will accept a change
to Walraven if necessary.
The device is a nice piece of canting armoury, that is , the device is a
"play" on the name.
5. Giovannino di Vidor
Mundane name: Jon Grotto
Group: Innilgard
Consulting herald: Armand de Rochefort
Name submitted. Resubmission of device to Crux: Argent, three piles inverted
cojoined in point purpure, on the centre pile a double bitted axe inverted
6. Sibán nic Ghiolla Phadraig
Mundane name: Fiona Sawyer
Group: Krae Glas
Consulting herald: self
Change of registered name from Marguerite Russell of Paisley.
Sibán "came into favour in the 12th century and was brought
into Ireland by the Anglo- Normans" according to O'Corrain & Maguire
Mac Giolla Phádraig is in MacLysaght p110 under Fitzpatrick.
Lenition is then applied to give nic Ghiolla Phadraig, that is, the
name is converted to the female form, meaning "daughter of "
8. Bryn-a-Mor (Canton)
Group: Bryn-a-Mor
Consulting Herald: Llewelyn de Granville called "Cadno"
New device submission.
This was returned for a couple of reasons. The device submission was not
accompanied by a name submission. No device can be registered without a
name. Also, the accompanying petition was not adequate. The submission regulations
in the Administrative Handbook state at IV.C.5 that there must be evidence
of support for the submission on the part of the majority of active members
of the branch. The support may be demonstrated by
a) a petition of a majority of the populace and officer or by a petition
of the seneschal and at least three-quarters of the other local officers
b) a statement of support from the ruling noble (baron and baroness).
The canton produced a copy of their petition for branch status. This was
not adequate because there was no indication what proportion of active members
of officers had signed it. Also, the petition was not one of support for
the name and device. The blazon of the device was written on the bottom
of the petition under the signatures. It was a poor photocopy, with no indication
of the colours in the emblazon. I suggest that a separate petition be done,
with the name and device blazon and emblazon at the top, and signers' mundane
and SCA names and office held (if any). Some groups have submitted a membership
list to prove the proportion of members signing.
The device appears clear of conflict, but the meeting was at a loss to document
the name. I look forward to receiving the name submission.
Ó Corráin, Donnchadh & Maguire, Fidelma, Gaelic
Personal Names
The following are books that do not require photocopies to Laurel:
MacLysaght, Edward, The Surnames of Ireland
Ó Corráin, Donnchadh & Maguire, Irish Names
Reaney, PH and Wilson, RM, A Dictionary of British Surnames