Mistress Aislinn de Valence
Crux Australis Herald
Megan Dansie
P.O. Box 526
Unley SA 5061
Phone: IDD+61 8 8293 6635

Important Addresses | Subscriptions | From Crux | Reports
Heraldic Resources | Submission Requirements
Submissions to Laurel | May Letter

June 1998

Those wonderful people who helped.

Aislinn de Valence (Megan Dansie ) Crux, William Forester de Blacwode (Andrew Kenner) Cornet, Armand de Rochfort (Alan Ogden) PE, Dafydd Walraven (David Carslie) Cornet, Katerina da Brescia (Karen Ogden) Cornet.
Next meeting
Sunday 12th July, 2pm. Meetings will usually be on the first Sunday of the month at 2pm. Call first if you are bringing a submission to the meeting.
This is your last issue (unless you renew)
Karen McDonald
Important Addresses
Hund Herald: þorfinn Hrolfsson. External commentary franchise and heraldic publications. [Steven Roylance] 1592 Malvern Road, Glen Iris VIC 3146. Ph (03) 9885 6348.

Cannon Pursuivant: Hoas Windchaser. Precedence and Gentry list. [Danny Bartel] PO Box 1623 Kersbrook SA 5231. Ph (08) 8389 3404.

Baryl Pursuivant: Thomas Flamanc of Kelsale. External commentary. [John Sawyer] Ph (03) 9543 4847.

Bombard Pursuivant: þorfinn Hrolfsson. Ceremonies deputy.

Drop Dead Deputy: Giles Leabrook [Braddon Giles] 58/122 Saunders St Pyrmont NSW 2009. Ph (02) 9660 3865

Positions vacant:Field/voice deputy; regional mentors.
C.A.M.(e).L. is available from Crux Australis at $20 per year. Make cheques payable to "SCA Inc. College of Heralds".

Note that due to lower production costs, the Camel will cost $20 a year from 1st January 1998.

Laurel's Letter of Acceptance and Return is available from the SCA College of Arms, C/O Mistress Sionyn Muirgen niDhomnall, Pelican Queen of Arms, Jackie Watson, 3532 Winding Wind Cove, Bartlett, TN 38135-3044, USA for US$25 per year. Make cheques payable to "SCA Inc. - College of Arms".

Please note that everything of relevance to Lochac will be published in the CAMeL.
From Crux
As I said last month, the new submission forms are being phased in. These forms will make it easier for Laurel to process submissions. At the moment she has about 15 different device forms to deal with. Some forms did not supply all the information required by the administrative guidelines.

The Western forms that we use do not differ greatly in content from the new forms. I will highlight the major differences when the forms come out. I intend to send a copy of the forms to each group, printed on stiff paper. This is so the original forms are easy to distinguish , and will stay in your files. I will try and put the forms on my web site.

I remind everyone that I need the forms coloured in bold colours. Faint coloured pencil is not acceptable. Also, the black and white outline copy should have clear lines. I have to scan it into my computer. Master Tovye has to spent up to half an hour per submission cleaning up faint or poorly drawn images. This, together with the scanning usually takes several evenings each month. Please encourage submitters to make their pictures as clear as possible.
Reports received this quarter from:

Goutte D'Eau (Stormhold) including Krae Glas, Brin-a-Mor, St Monica, he has not received a report from St Bartholomew. St Ceclia has become dormant.

Hunters Isle: the herald of this new Canton has asked to be rostered. I welcome Darius of Drogheda to the College of Heralds.


Agaricus PE asks if the College of St Malachy should report through him. It is the only college "within" a shire . A college is theoretically the same" level" group as a shire. I will allow the College to report through Agaricus if that is what the two groups want. Any other colleges which form within shires will be able to come to their own arrangements with me. In any event, I expect the college herald to give a written report to the Agaricus herald. I note that I have not heard from and therefore have not rostered the college herald.

St Florians


RiverHaven: There is a new group forming in the Redcliffe area. I look forward to hearing from Aldric of Wolfden, the proposed herald.

Castellum Montanum: Eleanor has held collegia on field voice projection and rules of blazon and Court. She is stepping down in favour of Meloir the Elusive. I look forward to hearing from her so she can be rostered.

Thank you to all groups that reported. Groups I have not heard from this reign: Amesbury*, Dismal Fogs, Mordenvale, Rowany*, St Ursula, St Bartholomew, St Cecelia, Stahlburg*. Those groups with a * did not report in the last round of reports either.

The next quarterly reports are due by 1st September 1998.
Heraldic Resources
Master (Thorfinn) þorfinn is the Australian Agent for Free Trumpet Press. He carries the Ordinary and Armorial, and other useful publications. Contact þorfinn directly for the latest prices.

I also recommend that groups acquire some name resources, in particular Reaney, P.H. & Wilson, R.M. A dictionary of English Surnames and Withycombe ,E.G. The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names.
Electronic Resources
The Crux Australis web page at contains useful information for heralds, and links to the SCA Heraldry page, and other general SCA pages. If you have web access, I recommend that you take a look.

Many interesting heraldic links can be found through the SCA Heraldry web page at including the Laurel home page, on-line armorial and ordinary search, and the Academy of St. Gabriel (a heraldic consultation service).
Submission Requirements.
Cost: $15 per name, and $15 per device or badge. No cost for resubmissions. Make cheques payable to "SCA Inc College of Heralds".

We currently send US$3 (approximately AUS$4.50) to Laurel for each item This rose as of 1st January 1998 to US$4 (approximately AUS$ 6.66). I will try and absorb the cost increase form as long as possible, but if the Aussie dollar continues to drop, I will have to increase my charges.

Copies required for submissions:
I will reject submissions without a black and white copy as I need to scan it to produce the Letter of Intent for Laurel.

Please check that submitters have ALL documentation. Remember, they have to present their submission in a way that makes registration easy. Name documentation should be as accurate as possible, and copies supplies unless the reference is standard such as Reaney and Withycombe. Even then, the page and edition should be quoted.

I know that some of you have few name resources. There is a lot of help available if you ask for it. I or someone overseas may well be able to help with that tricky name. If you cannot document a name well, you can still submit it, BUT submitters should be made aware that if they check the 'make no changes' box, their name will be returned even if ONE letter is incorrect.

Most submissions I have seen are of an excellent quality. However, it saddens me to return a good submission just because the artwork or documentation is incomplete.
Submissions to Laurel
1. Aelfthryth of Saxony

Mundane name: Trudi Lynch

Group: Politarchopolis

Consulting herald: none

Badge. (Fieldless) An ear of wheat and a straight trumpet in saltire argent. Note that the Pic Dic says that this form of trumpet is a straight trumpet.

2. André Davignon

Mundane name: Michael Kenner

Group: Innilgard

Consulting herald: William Forester de Blacwode

Device. Name submitted April 1998. Azure a natural seahorse a bordure Or.

3. André the Rorqual

Mundane name: Andrew Serpell

Group: Stormhold

Consulting herald: Drogo von Konigsberg

Resubmission of device to Crux: Argent a whale azure.

Name submitted April 1998. This device was returned by me in April for lack of documentation of the depiction of the whale. Goutte D'Eau gently pointed out to me that it was straight out of the Pic Dic 2nd edition. We only had the First edition at the meeting, as my newer copy has gone walkies. I apologise to the submitter for the delay. Now, I will write 50 times I must get a new Pic Dic......

4. Rufus Adycote of Mynheniot

Mundane name: James Addicot

Group: Politarchopolis

Consulting herald: Sigmund Spelmann

New Name and Device: Gules a quatrefoil knot on a chief Or a catamount sable.

Rufus is usually a byname from the Latin meaning red haired. The son of William I of England was William Rufus. Withycombe gives an undated usage of it as a first name (p260) as "used by the Jews instead of Reuben. Withycombe P252 gives Reuben as a Hebrew name. Its use in England dates from the 17thC. This may have been usage among gentiles. There were Jews in England who may have used the name before then, or the name may have been from Europe.

Adycote is an English surname cited by the submitter from Mormon genealogical records. I know that Laurel as recently discouraged use of those records, but there are other justifications for the name. Smith volI (p109 under cot ) cites examples of personal names combined with -cot(e) , such as Syerscote. Reaney DES (p3 under Adey ) cites a Thomas Ady from 1327 and says the name is "A pet form of Ade (Adam)". This makes the construction as a surname reasonable. Eckwall p2 under Adcote has Addecote dated 1241. The shift to Adycote seems reasonable. Please also note that the submittor's mother is Mathilde Adycote of Mynheniot.

of Mynheniot
is a locative English byname. Ekwall (p321 under Menheniot) shows this spelling without a date. It appears in "A direction for the English Traveller" by Jenner printed in 1643. Also John Norden"Perambulations Around the county of Cornwall" 1553 mentions a Minhenet.

This submission came with no usable documentation. The only reason we were able to document the name was by going into Mathilde's old file. I will copy the documentation from her file, but the copies ate poor and if Laurel does not accept them the submittor will have to provide clear copies.

The submittor will permit no changes, even to create a holding name. This was submitted with the beast blazoned as a celtic dog . The meeting felt that it looked like a cat. I later spoke to the submitter's father who told me that Rufus wanted a cat, but the only depiction he could find called it a celtic dog. We will submit it as a catamount. It could also be blazoned as a natural panther.

5. Ysabeau de Vézelay

Device resubmission to Crux. Name submitted to Laurel in April LoI. Purpure a monkey passant Or.

This device appears free of conflicts. Unfortunately, the monkey was coloured orange in the original submission, not yellow. Laurel has recently refused to accept orange as a substitute for Or. The monkey has now been recoloured yellow.

Returns -None!


Ekwall Eilert, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place Names. 4th ed.

Jenner, Thomas, A Direction for the English Traveller, 1643

The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition

Norden, John, Perumbulations Around the County of Cornwall, 1553

Reaney P.H., 'A Dictionary of British Surnames', Routledge & Kegan Paul London, 1979.

Withycombe E.G., The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names, Oxford University Press, UK, 1979

From Laurel's May Letter of Acceptances and Returns

Bacchus Wood, Canton of. Device. Or, on a wine amphora purpure a laurel wreath Or , in chief three goutes purpure.

Cecily de Montsalvy. Device. Azure, a winged unicorn passant argent, a bordure ermine.

Gerard de la Montagne. Name. Submitted as *Gerard du Montagne*, the since *Montagne* is a feminine word, the correct prepositional form is *de la*. We have made this correction.

Giovannino da Vidor. Name. Submitted as *Giovannino di Vidor*, the correct prepositional form with a locative is *da*. We have made this correction.

Gwenhwyvar of Abergavenny. Name (see RETURNS for device).

Katerina Raedaria. Device. Gules, on a bend sinister between two increscents argent, a wheel azure.

Nerissa de Saye. Device. Per pale gules and purpure, a unicorn passant regardant argent crined between three crowns Or. This is a resubmission of a device returned in September 1997. That device was identical to this, save that the crowns were voided, as in the arms of the West. The submission was returned since crowns are not a voidable charge. In commentary, Brachet said in regards to this submission: "It is my firm opinion that since the submitter is a Western viscountess and since other Western viscounts and viscountesses have used the Western Crown as a representation of the allowed coronet of rank in both formal and informal situations, that such registrations should be allowed under the general intent of the Grandfather Clause. This device as presently submitted is allowable, and clearly shows that the person is of royal rank, but the device as initially presented would have made it clear that the person was of Western royal rank. It is my feeling that such identification, if desired by the submitter, is commendable and should be encouraged by the allowance of an otherwise forbidden charge. I therefore call upon Laurel to modify her stance on the voiding of crowns to allow the registration of the "Western crown" to those who might be entitled to it while disallowing the registration of "new" voided crowns."
There are two precedents relevant to the issue of whether or not we permit what is effectively a grandfather clause to submitters in the same geographical area as the group with the grandfather clause. The first involves the rivenstar: The commentary was strongly in favor of disallowing the rivenstar (save only to the Barony of Rivenstar, to whom it would be grandfathered), as a non-period charge. Lord Pale suggested that the charge continue to be permitted, for the sake of residents of Rivenstar who wished to show their allegiance in their armory. This suggestion would carry more weight if some Rivenstarites had ever actually registered armory with rivenstars; but according to Lord Morsulus, except for the armory of the Barony there's only one SCA registration of a rivenstar. Consequently, we have no qualms about disallowing the charge, pending evidence that it's period, or at least formed in a period manner. (Galen O'Loingsigh, August, 1992, pg. 32)
The second involves counterchanging over an ordinary: [On a pale, a <CHARGE>, overall a laurel wreath] Our general policy (LoAR of July 92, p.20), based on period practice, is that only ordinaries (or similarly simple charges, such as roundels) may be counterchanged across ordinaries. The laurel wreath is not a simple charge, and may not be counterchanged here. While we were tempted to be lenient in this case (considering the arms of the Shire's parent Kingdom contain a laurel wreath counterchanged across a pale), I decided that making an exception here would open a larger can of worms than I could contemplate with equanimity. (Shire of Blackmoor Keep, October, 1992, pg. 28)
Searching the ordinary, we only find two cases of a crown voided registered to an individual. Therefore, we see no reason to overturn the precedent and allow voided crowns.

Osbert of Tewkesbury. Name and device. Per chevron throughout gules and Or, two broadarrows and another inverted counterchanged.


Finland, Republic of. Device change. Argent, a cross azure. This is a more correct blazon of what is used, rather than the already protected *Argent, a cross bleu-celeste.*, which is hereby released.

Katharine Swynford. Device. Gules, three Catharine wheels Or. These are the arms born by Katherine Roel, better known by the name she bore during her first marriage, Katharine Swynford. Katherine was the morganatic wife of the Duke of Gaunt and it was from this marriage that the Beaufort Earls and Dukes of Somerset descended. Ultimately, this line provided legitimacy to the somewhat dubious claims of the Tudor line through the marriage of Margaret Beaufort to Edmund Tudor. Note that Katherine's father was Sir Giles Roel or Roelt, a Flemish knight who served as Guienne King of Arms for Aquitaine in the fourteenth century and these arms appear in many period heraldic rolls.

Returned for further work

Brennan Halfhand. Device. Argent, an eagle stooping and on a bordure vert four oak leaves in cross argent. This eagle is twisted into a posture which is neither striking (which should have the body angled _upwards_ with the head and feet reaching down) nor stooping (diving downwards), but somewhere in between (literally: it appears to be just pulling out of its dive and starting to rotate its feet to grab the prey, but hasn't completed the motion.) This blurs the distinction between two things considered a CD apart. The specific posture of this bird cannot adequately be described by any standard blazonry term.

Caterina Ruzzini. Badge. Gules, three Catharine wheels Or. This conflicts with the badge of Katherine Roel, added to our protected list this month, who was better known by the name she bore during her first marriage, Katharine Swynford. This was pended from the January 1998 LoAR.

Gwenhwyvar of Abergavenny. Device. Vert, a stag at gaze Or and a base embowed sable. This is being returned for violating RfS VIIII.2.a, which deals with the rules of tincture, by having a color charge on a color field.