Mistress Aislinn de Valence
Crux Australis Herald
Megan Dansie
P.O. Box 526
Unley SA 5061
Phone: IDD+61 8 8293 6635

Important Addresses | Subscriptions | From Crux
Heraldic Resources | Submission Requirements
Submissions to Laurel

July 1999

Those wonderful people who helped.

Lady Katerina da Brescia, Lord Uberto Renaldi, Lord Bartolomeo Giancristofo Agazzari, Daffyd Wallraven and Master Tovye Woolmongere

Next meeting
Meetings will usually be on the first Sunday of the month at 2pm. Call first if you are bringing a submission to the meeting.

Important Addresses
Hund Herald: þorfinn Hrolfsson. External commentary franchise and heraldic publications. [Steven Roylance] 1592 Malvern Road, Glen Iris VIC 3146. Ph (03) 9885 6348.

Cannon Pursuivant: Jessica St Clair. Precedence and Gentry list. [Kate McIver] 30 William Street, Ringwood VIC 3134. Ph (03) 9879 4412

Baryl Pursuivant: position vacant

Bombard Pursuivant: þorfinn Hrolfsson. Ceremonies deputy.

Drop Dead Deputy and Sydney Regional Mentor: position vacant

Positions vacant:Field/voice deputy; regional mentors.

C.A.M.(e).L. is available from Crux Australis at $20 per year. Make cheques payable to "SCA Inc. College of Heralds".

Laurel's Letter of Acceptance and Return is available from the SCA College of Arms, C/O Mistress Sionyn Muirgen niDhomnall, Pelican Queen of Arms, Jackie Watson, 3532 Winding Wind Cove, Bartlett, TN 38135-3044, USA for US$25 per year. Make cheques payable to "SCA Inc. - College of Arms".

Please note that everything of relevance to Lochac will be published in the CAMeL.

From Crux
Last Chance for Crux
My term is over in September. I am closing written applications for my successor at the end of July. I have only has three expressions of interest, and one written application. Please write or e-mail me for a job description.

Being Crux can be incredible rewarding, and is definitely an education. If you are strong in book heraldry, administration, diplomacy and computers/desktop publishing, please consider applying for the job. I will consider applications from people with others who can produce the Camel, but you do need to be reliable with paperwork.

Reports received so far this year are:

River Haven Aquarius has still not found a successor, and will be extending her term in office. She continues to do a splendid job in producing a monthly newsletter for her canton heralds. Based on her report, there are 19 active heralds in the barony. Some just do field work. Drakkars Fjord has submitted a name and device. Bacchus Woods has been upgrading its war tabards and banners. Castellum Montanum had a Royal Visit which involved court and field work. Hrolfr Hreggitharson is their new herald, taking over from Melyor the Elusive. Parvus Portus has a new herald, Wilfrid De Ackelonde.

Ynys Fawr has been busy. Francis of Hexham has been doing a lot of the court work. The herald of Hunter's Isle has reported, and now has a registered device. Several other devices have been submitted.

Dismal Fogs: I received a brief report, stating the awards given to members of the shire, and that nothing else had happened heraldically.

Agaricus: Andfryd of Trondelag passed away in early April and will be sorely missed. The shire was quite occupied with preparations for May Coronet. St Malachy has a growing interest in heraldry.

Mordenvale has a new herald, Lord Gilchrist Morgan. He is primarily in book heraldry, so has a voice deputy, Gabrielle of Oakdale.

Borders Crossing has a new herald, Katrine de Payen. She lives in a small country town and is suffering from a lack of resources. They have many members working on device submissions, but suffer from a lack of name documentation.

Innilgard: The new baronial herald has settled in well. He has been encouraging others to be heraldically active. He has run sessions on heraldry in the Summer and Winter Collegia. He continues to conduct heraldry at home sessions. He reports the new herald for Blessed Herman, Annora, shows great promise in Court heraldry.

Torlyon has become official. They had a May Foundation day feast and Tourney. The shire herald was due to have a baby at the time, so organised someone else to do the tourney, and help with her first court.

Aneala, no formal report, but they have been active in submissions, especially in appealing some baronial award names and badges that were rejected by Laurel.

Thank you to all the heralds who reported this quarter. I really enjoy finding out what is happening in your groups.

Groups I have not had reports from this reign: Aneala, Politarchopolis, St Aldhelm, Rowany, St Augustine, Stormhold, Bryn-a-Mor, Krae Glas, St Bartholomew, St Monica, All Saints, St Florians*,St Ursula**.

Those groups with a * did not report in the last round of reports either. Groups with a ** have not reported for well over a year. If I do not receive a report from those groups this quarter, I will be removing people from the roster.

Heraldic Resources
Master (Thorfinn) þorfinn is the person to talk to about heraldic publications. þorfinn stocks the following items:
Heraldic Pictorial Dictionary for the SCA
first ed. $A8.50
second ed. $A12.50
original from Free Trumpet Press $US15
You can order directly from the USA via Free Trumpet Press. Details of their web site are below (they now take credit cards).

I also recommend that groups acquire some name resources, in particular Reaney, P.H. & Wilson, R.M. A Dictionary of English Surnames and Withycombe ,E.G. The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names.

Electronic Resources
The Crux Australis web page at contains useful information for heralds, and links to the SCA Heraldry page, and other general SCA pages. If you have web access, I recommend that you take a look.

Many interesting heraldic links can be found through the SCA Heraldry web page at including the Laurel home page, on-line armorial and ordinary search, and the Academy of St. Gabriel (an heraldic consultation service).
The Free Trumpet Press West web page is or email

Submission Requirements.
Cost: $20 per name, and $20 per device or badge. No cost for resubmissions. Make cheques payable to "SCA Inc College of Heralds".

Copies required for submissions:
I will reject submissions without a black and white copy as I need to scan it to produce the Letter of Intent for Laurel. Do not give me a Black and White photocopy of a coloured device. The only black parts should be the outline, and the sable parts (if any). The LoI I send to Laurel must contain a mini-emblazon. This is used in commentary meetings in other kingdoms, and is often coloured in to assist the meeting. That is why the B&W version must be in outline.

Please check that submitters have ALL documentation. Remember, they have to present their submission in a way that makes registration easy. Name documentation should be as accurate as possible, and copies supplies unless the reference is standard such as Reaney and Withycombe. Even then, the page and edition should be quoted.

I know that some of you have few name resources. There is a lot of help available if you ask for it. I or someone overseas may well be able to help with that tricky name. If you cannot document a name well, you can still submit it, BUT submitters should be made aware that if they check the 'make no changes' box, their name will be returned even if ONE letter is incorrect.

Submissions to Laurel
1. Bartolomeo Giancristoforo Agazzari
Mundane name: Andrew Reid
Group: Innilgard
Consulting herald: William Forrester de Blacwode

New name and device

Sable a pomegranate slipped and leaved Or seeded gules, on a chief Or three cinquefoils gules.

The submittor wants a male Italian name. He will not accept major changes. Bartolomeo was fairly common in the 15-16th C eg Bartlomeo Benci (Hay pp 33 & 54, Origo p 184). Giancristoforo was used as a first name as in Giancristoforo Romano, a contemporary of Leonardo da Vinci(Hay p 61). The use of given names as middle names in a three-element Italian name is supported by Hay p 54, Giorgio Gemisto Pletone. Agazzari is a family name, eg Fra Filippo degli Agazzari (Origo p 152) and according to the submittor, the phrase "degli" present in the documentation is not required here as the former is a religious name.

2. Jan van Ghent
Mundane name: Brendan Lloyd
Consulting herald: Academy of St Gabriel
Group: Agaricus
Change of name from Lyssandre le Temeraire (registered Jan 1999)

The submittor wants a male name meaning Jan from Ghent accurate for mid-15th C Flanders. He will not accept any changes.

Jan appears in "Flemish Given Names 1400-1550" as the most frequently appearing given name from 1400-1550. van is assumed to be Flemish for "of" or "from". Ghent is listed in the Encyclopedia Brittanica (vol 5, p 237) as originating in the 10thC.

Should be clear of "John of Gaunt" (or John of Ghent) by RFS V.1.i as Jan (pronouned YAHN) and John are different in both sound and appearance (especially when said with an Australian accent!) John of Gaunt is the common and generally only form of the name and should therefore be clear under RFS V.1.c.

3. Rathnait inghean ui Chaireallain
Mundane name: Katjs Carlon
consulting herald: Pedair
Group: Stormhold

Resubmission of device. Name registered March 1999.

Azure, a pair of shears and on a chief Or three bobbins sable.

The submittor's original device was returned in March 1999 by Laurel for a redraw of the bobbins in a more period style.

4. Saint Malachy, College of
Wollongong Uni
Consulting herald: Jan of Ghent

Resubmisson of device. Name registered August 1998. Argent, within a laurel wreath vert a tower sable, on a chief wavy vert an open book argent.

The college's previous submission was returned in August 1998 by Laurel for a redesign due to "slot-machine" heraldry. This has now been fixed.

5. Uberto Renaldi
Mundane name: Nigel Castle
Consulting herald: self
Group: Innilgard

Change of name from René du Bon Bois (registered August 1989).

The submittor wants a male Italian name from the 13th C. He will not accept major changes. Uberto was a given name of one of the early members of the Visconti family (Cole, p 182) and is also found in "4300 Citizens of Pisa, 1228", where support for Renaldi as a byname can also be found..


"4300 Citizens of Pisa, 1228", Enrica Salvatori, web site

Cole, Alison, Art of the Italian Renaissance Courts, George Weidenfeld and Nicholson Ltd, 1995

Encyclopedia Brittanica, 15th edition

"Flemish Given Names 1400-1550", web site

Hay, Denys (ed), The Age of the Renaissance, Guild Publishing London, 1986

Origo, Iris, The Merchant of Prato, Penguin, 1992