
Crux Australis Herald
Baron Uberto Renaldi [mka
Nigel Castle]
GPO Box 2719, Adelaide
SA 5001, Australia
phone: (08) 8336 6791 or
intl +618 8336 6791
"The CAMeL"
October 2000 (Anno Societatis XXXV)
Unto the College of Heralds of the Principality of Lochac, and all others who may read this missive, from Baron Uberto Renaldi, Crux Australis Herald, greetings!
In this issue
Proposed Policy Change | Summarised Lochac Heraldic Policy | Reports | Roster changes
Important addresses | Subscriptions and Resources | Submission requirements
Meeting schedule | Recent submissions | News of previous submissions
News has come to me of a disturbing practice being performed by some court heralds. It seems that when these heralds make a slip of the tongue or other blunder during court, they flourish their ceremony books and invite someone else to take over heralding the court.
Be it known that I highly disapprove of such behaviour! Whilst wearing the tabard one is the voice of the Crown and therefore one should always act in a professional manner. The aforementioned behaviour brings disrepute to the both royalty one speaks for and to the College of Heralds. It is also discourteous.
On the more practical side, drawing attention to your mistakes is bad theatre. We all make mistakes and, besides practising reading out aloud, there is little you can do to prevent them. What to do when they occur depends on the situation. Sometimes just going straight on without a pause is best - people have short memories and will soon forget that a minor slip-up even happened. If the mistake is one that people will notice (such as a mangled name) then stop, apologise, and continue. What you should never do is make a scene in the middle of court. This disrupts the flow of business, compounds the fault and annoys both populace and royalty.
If, after a particularly mistake-laden court, you are criticised for your errors, then you are fully entitled to offer the critic the chance to try their hand and court heraldry - unless of course it a more experienced herald who is attempting to give you constructive advice!
Finally, it is a good idea for less experienced court heralds to have someone more experienced as their second. That way, the second can take over if the inexperienced herald finds they are having a really bad day.
Your servant,
Baron Uberto Renaldi,
Crux Australis Herald
Proposed Policy Change
I am seeking comments on the following change to Lochac Heraldic Policy:
Resubmissions are free for a period of ten (10) years from the date of the most recent return, after which the submission is considered withdrawn.
Currently, a submittor who has had a submission returned may resubmit for free any time, regardless of how long ago the submission was returned. This has already led to a few dead submissions in the files, and under the current policy this number will only grow as time goes on.
This change is one that benefits the College and the Crux office rather than the submittors, but I believe that 10 years is long enough (maybe too long?) for anyone to at least resubmit something if they actually want to get something registered. I have heard that some Kingdoms require resubmission within one year, but I believe that to be a bit severe.
Comments must reach me by 17 December. If no severe objections are raised then the change will be implemented early next year after an amnesty period in which the inactive submissions affected will be listed in Pegasus to give the submittors a chance to resubmit.
Summarised Lochac Heraldic Policy
The document titled Lochac Heraldic Policy is a weighty 14-page collection of policy, advice and information that is no doubt daunting to new heralds and cumbersome for the more experienced.
I have, therefore, produced a summarised version which should be easier to use. I have included it with this Camel, below. Any comments or corrections would be much appreciated.
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End-of-reign quarterly reports are due by 17 December 2000.
Roster changes
None this month
Important addresses
- Crux Australis Herald: Uberto Renaldi [Nigel Castle] GPO Box 2719, Adelaide SA 5001. Ph (08) 8336 6791. Email herald@sca.org.au.
- Hund Herald (West Kingdom external commentary and heraldic publications franchise) and Bombard Pursuivant (Ceremonies deputy): Thorfinn Hrolfsson [Steven Roylance] 1592 Malvern Road, Glen Iris VIC 3146. Ph (03) 9885 6348. Email roylance@corplink.com.au.
- Canon Pursuivant (Precedence and Gentry list): ): Morag Freyser [Helen Brinsmead] 26 Ferrett Circuit, Kambah ACT 2902. Email Helen.Brinsmead@dva.gov.au.
- Mortar Pursuivant (Field and Voice deputy): Gwynfor Lwyd [Peter Ryan] 6 Merton Street, Springvale VIC 3171. Email prism@primus.net.au.
- Rocket Pursuivant (PE test & Drop-dead deputy): Aislinn de Valence [Megan Dansie] PO Box 526, Unley SA 5061. Ph (08) 8293 6635. Email aislinn@merlin.net.au
- Baryl Pursuivant (External commentary): Thomas Flamanc of Kelsale [John Sawyer] PO Box 8021, Monash University VIC 3800. Email sawyer@mbox.com.au.
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Subscriptions and Resources
"The CAMeL" is available from Crux Australis at $20 per year. Make cheques payable to "SCA Inc. College of Heralds".
Laurel's Letter of Acceptance and Return is available from the SCA College of Arms. Send a cheque for $US25 made out to "SCA Inc. College of Arms" to Bruce R. Nevins, 2527 E. 3rd Street, Tucson AZ, 85716-4114, USA. As usual, everything of relevance to Lochac will be published in "The CAMeL".
Master Thorfinn is the person to talk to about heraldic publications. Possibly the most useful item that he stocks is the Heraldic Pictorial Dictionary for the SCA (affectionately known as the PicDic), which will cost you $A8.50 for the first edition or $A12.50 for the second edition. Alternatively, order it directly from the USA via Free Trumpet Press for $US15 (details of their web site are below and they now take credit cards).
I also recommend that groups acquire some name resources, in particular P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilsons A Dictionary of English Surnames and E.G. Withycombes The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names.
Many interesting heraldic links can be found through the SCA Heraldry web page at www.sca.org/heraldry including the Laurel home page, on-line armorial and ordinary search, and the Academy of St. Gabriel (an heraldic consultation service). The Free Trumpet Press West web page is www.sca.org/heraldry/ftpw. Parkers Glossary can be found at http://www04.u-page.so-net.ne.jp/ta2/saitou/ie401
Submission Requirements
Cost: $20 per new submission (name, device or badge). No cost for resubmissions or branch submissions. Make cheques payable to "SCA Inc College of Heralds".
Copies required:
- Names: two (2) copies of both the form and ALL documentation, including title page of each book.
- Devices and Badges: four (4) colour copies and one (1) black & white OUTLINE copy. The colour copies should be accurately coloured, preferably in felt tip pen (eg Crayola Classic Colours). Faint colour printers or faint coloured pencil is not acceptable. The colours must be visible across a crowded Herald's meeting.
Please include ALL necessary documentation to support each submission. It is the responsibility of the submittor to present their submission in a way that makes registration easy. Name documentation should be as accurate as possible: remember to include photocopies of the title page as well as the relevent page(s) of any source used.
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Meeting schedule
Crux Australis meetings are held once a month, usually at 36 Rosella Street, Payneham SA, starting at 2pm. Please call beforehand if you intend to bring submissions for processing. The next meeting is scheduled for the 19th November and the one after that will probably be on the 17th December
If you cant make it to the meetings but would like to participate in commentary via email, drop me a line and I will add you to the blazons mailing list.
Recent submissions
Present at the Crux Australis meeting held on Sunday 15th October 2000 was Baron Uberto Renaldi, Crux Australis Herald and no-one else at all.
The following submission was RETURNED for further work:
- Laigen ingen Diarmata
Group: Agaricus / Saint Malachy
Consulting herald: Jan Antheunis van Ghent
New name
The submittor wanted a 12-14th century feminine Irish name with the meanings spear and descendant of Jeremiah.
Sadly, it must be returned for lack of documentation. Although the documentation cited does show Laigen, it has it as a byname not as a given name, and there is no evidence that bynames were used as given names in Ireland in this period.
The closest matches that I could find in Corráin and Maguire were Líadan (also spelt Líadain and Líadaine) which is pronounced lia-darn; Lerben or Learbhean which is pronounced lar-varn; Liamuin or Liamhain pronounced lyav-in; and the masculine name Ledbán or Leadhbhán, pronounced lie-varn.
Although there is no evidence that masculine names (or even feminised forms of them) were given to daughters, the RfS would allow the submittor to register a masculine given name. However, they may then be forced to use mac instead of ingen to make the entire name masculine.
The rest of the name looks fine, although I believe the correct phrase for descended from Diarmata in a 12th-14th century Irish name would be inghean uí, whilst just inghean would mean daughter of. It appears that ingen is an earlier form of inghean.
Corrain, Donnchadh and Maguire, Fidelma. Gaelic Personal Names. The Academy Press, 1981
News of previous submissions
None - I have not yet received results of Laurels August or September meetings.
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Last updated 16 October 2000
This document is a summary of the larger document Lochac Heraldic Policy; a selection of extracts from The CAMeL first compiled by Decion ap Dyfrwr Trefriw for Master Gereint Scholar during his tenure as Crux Australis Herald and amended by several holders of the office since.
The large size of that document, as well as changes to rules and procedures since many of the articles were written, has prompted the production this summary. Due to the nature of such a document, there is no guarantee that the policies here reflect current practice. The latest version of this document may be obtained from the Crux Australis Herald, whose address can be found in Pegasus.
Please feel free to contact the Crux Australis Herald for clarification or explanation of any of these policies.
General Policies
- Date all correspondence with the mundane date. Use of the SCA date (eg Anno Societatis) is optional.
- Make all cheques sent to the Crux Australis office payable to SCA Inc College of Heralds.
- All requests to be added to the Roster of the Lochac College of Heralds must be in writing and must contain the requestors legal and SCA names and postal address. Telephone number(s) and email address(es) are optional but appreciated, as is a summary of heraldic knowledge and experience.
- Anyone rostered as an "At Large" herald may be removed from the roster at any time by the Crux Australis Herald for any just reason.
Policies for Group Heralds
- Subscribe to The CAMeL (The Crux Australis Monthly Letter), and keep them in a file. Subscriptions to The CAMeL are $20 per annum.
- Reports are required quarterly. The due dates are published in The CAMeL. Baronial and Shire heralds report directly to the Crux Australis Herald. Canton heralds report to their parent groups herald, at least two weeks before the due date published. College heralds may do either. A copy of every report should be sent to the groups seneschal.
- A letter of introduction is required from those wishing to be rostered as a groups herald, as well as a note from their seneschal (and Baron and Baroness if for a Barony). A letter of resignation from their predecessor (if any) naming them as their successor is also appreciated.
- Only the Crown, Coronet, Crux Australis Herald or the Seneschal of Lochac may remove or suspend an heraldic officer. The officer so removed or suspended must be notified in writing, including an explanation of the reason(s) for removal or suspension.
- Only Baronies and Provinces are required to fill the office of Herald. All other groups are encouraged to do so.
- Baronial heralds must maintain lists of recipients of local awards, to be forwarded to Canon Pursuivant twice a year.
Policies on Names and Armoury
- The cost of a submission is $20 per item. This includes a new name, device or badge, or a change to an already registered item. All branch submissions are free.
- [Proposed change - comments appreciated] Resubmissions are free for a period of ten (10) years from the date of the most recent return, after which the submission is considered withdrawn.
- No paid heraldic submission or resubmission may stay at any level for more than 30 days. It must be passed on or returned.
- If a paid submission is returned at the local level, all monies accompanying that submission must also be returned accompanied by a formal written Letter of Return giving the reasons for return.
- A resubmissions may be transmuted into a new or change of submission, so long as the returned submission is voluntarily withdrawn - eg after a new badge submission is returned for conflict, the submittor may decide instead to change their name, using the fee originally intended for the badge submission.
- The current submission forms are dated August AS XXXIII. Submissions on older forms, or forms not from Lochac, will not be accepted.
- Do not modify the submission forms in any way (such as replacing the heater-shaped shield with a lozenge).
- Submission requirements:
- Names: two (2) copies of the form and all documentation used, including titles pages of works cited.
- Devices and Badges: four (4) coloured copies and one outline copy (a line drawing, used for scanning).
- The submittor and local herald should also retain a copy each, in case things go missing.
- Documentation for names should provide evidence that the name could have been used by a person living in pre-17th century Europe or somewhere known to Europeans of this period. Books that list names without citing dates of usage are (such as Baby Name books) are generally not acceptable as documentation.
- Encourage people to submit. Thats encourage, not brow-beat, pester or otherwise hassle them.
- Resubmissions should never be sent directly to Laurel Sovereign of Arms. They must be processed at the Crux Australis level first.
- Household Names and Alternate Persona Names are not registered by the Lochac College of Heralds.
- Submitted (but not yet registered) armoury may be displayed publicly. Unregistered or returned armoury should not. Note: no herald can order (but may advise) the removal of armoury from public display unless under direct instruction from Royalty or written instruction from the Crux Australis Herald. Persistent use of unregistered armoury should be brought to the attention of the Crux Australis Herald.
- Badges need only be registered if they will be displayed prominently at events.
- Although there is no space on the device submission form, submittors may include notes to the scribes on how they want their arms drawn on any scroll the College of Scribes may subsequently produce for them.
- Anyone within Lochac receiving a Patent of Arms is entitled to a free Change of Name within one year of their elevation.
- Submittors assigned a holding name by Laurel Sovereign of Arms are entitled to a free name resubmission. Until then, their holding name is their official SCA name.
- Order Names and Heralds Titles must have the approval of the populace and ruling nobles of the group wishing to register them.
- It is not necessary (nor possible) to register a Heralds Title when there is an existing order of the same name - eg the Barony of Innilgard could have a Fretted Goblet Pursuivant Extraordinary as deputy to Frette Rouge Pursuivant as they already have the Order of the Fretted Goblet registered. However, no such unregistered title may be used without the written permission of the groups ruling nobles and the Crux Australis Herald.
- Who gets what in Heraldic Achievements on scrolls:
- Awards of Arms: arms only.
- Grants of Arms: 3/4 view helmet and mantling.
- Patents of Arms: full-face helmet and mantling supporters optional. Laurels may use a laurel wreath as their torse, whilst Royal Peers use the appropriate coronet, being:
- Dukes and Duchesses: strawberry leaves,
- Counts, Earls and Countesses: embattled edges,
- Viscounts and Viscountesses: personal design.
- Court Barons: Baronial coronet (with pearls) placed on top of shield.
- Crests are not restricted, Pelicans may use a pelican in her piety.
- Mottoes are not restricted.
Policies on Court and Field Heraldry
- Rostered heralds are expected to bring pen or pencil, paper, timepiece and regalia (heralds tabard, baldric or cloak) to every event they attend, and be prepared to use them.
- Heraldic regalia must be worn when making any official announcement. Unofficial or paid announcements must not be made whilst wearing regalia.
- A green tabard or baldric with crossed gold trumpets front and back may be worn by anyone on duty as a herald. Sleeved tabards are more authentic than unsleeved tabards. A Pursuivant Extraordinary or herald-in-training wearing a sleeved tabard should have the sleeves front and back (ie rotated 90°).
- Baronial pursuivants may wear a sleeved tabard with their Baronys arms front and back and the heralds badge (green with crossed gold trumpets) on the sleeves. Pursuivants are entitled to wear a green cloak with crossed gold trumpets on the back and over the left breast. However, sleeved tabards are more authentic.
- In Lochac, it is customary for the marshals to call Lay On to signal the start of combat. The heralds litany should end with a prompt to them, such as and at the marshals command.... Some time ago it was the heralds who would call Lay On. Ultimately, it is up to the marshals and heralds present on the day to decide who does what - safety and theatre are the prime objectives.
- After every court at which a Principality or Kingdom award is given, a Court Heralds Award Form must be completed, signed by the Royalty who gave the award(s), and copied and forwarded in a timely manner to Canon Pursuivant and the Pegasus Chronicler.
- Tassels for tourneys:
- Gold: winner of a Crown Tourney
- Silver/white: winner of a Coronet Tourney
- Silver/white and black: second place in Coronet Tourney
- Red, white and blue: Viceregal Tourney (now disused)
- All others: deregulated, but records must be kept by group heralds of the system in use locally.
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