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Crux Australis Principal Herald
"The CAMeL" Unto the College of Heralds of the Kingdom of Lochac, and all others who may read this missive, from Giles Leabrook, Crux Australis Principal Herald, greetings! In this issue...
Reminder - change to resubmission policy |Reminder - change to heraldic ranks and titles
Roster changes | Important addresses | Subscriptions and Resources
Submission requirements | Meeting schedule | Recent submissions | Closing words
August 2002 (Anno Societatis XXXVII)
Here we go! Welcome to my first CAMeL, an opportunity to let you all know how I see the next couple of years panning out for this office. My best hope is to finish up with all my old friends and a few more. Heraldry in Lochac is strong and growing; with a deeper commitment to period practice as the years go by. I am blessed with capable deputies that I can rely on. This doesnt mean that there are not issues that need attention, but I am confident that our team has the ability to serve our Kingdom well.
There is an expectation that Principal Heralds attend the Known World Heraldic Symposia. As such I will make arrangements to attend the next one when its date and location are set. I would love to be accompanied by any other Lochac heralds, but understand the difficulties. Another issue presents itself. As a Kingdom we should consider hosting a KWHS ourselves. Dont get too excited, we havent even bid yet. We need to understand the requirements of one of these events, and also demonstrate our ability to hold a pan-Kingdom gala of this nature. Accordingly I have instructed my Mortar Pursuivant, Massaria da Cortona, whose special role is that of education, to make preparations for a Lochac Heraldic collegium, with the intention of repeating it annually. Any queries should be directed to her.
When we have held a few of these events we may consider bidding for a KWHS, understanding the possible reluctance of many heralds to travel all the way to Australia. I foresee my tenure being over long before we even bid, but I desire to lay the foundations, and an annual heraldic event in Lochac will do us good anyway.
I have experienced some difficulty in rendering the correct diacritical marks – accents and the like – in this CAMeL, so I ask for your patience and indulgence while I work out where the symbols are.
I am very excited by the opportunity to help this office through the first years of Kingdom. I foresee my tenure completing with all Kingdom awards and ceremonies set, a regular heraldic symposium in Lochac, better communication with submitters in their progress, increased display of heraldry at events and a College of Arms team fighting at the Rowany Heraldic Melee. Oooh yeah, they will be sooo afraid when we all do the litany together. Any herald that can fight should contact me now.
Of course, that pipe dream also depends on the actions of the members and friends of the College of Arms, your good selves. So while I may ask for your assistance, I remain
Your servant,
Giles Leabrook,
Crux Australis Herald
Reminder - change to resubmission policy
As of July's meeting, returned submissions that have not been resubmitted within 3 years of the most recent date of return are no longer free.
Reminder - change to heraldic ranks and titles
As of First Coronation, the system used for heraldic ranks and titles has changed.
Some examples:
If you are currently the Acting Cordon Rouge Pursuivant with a personal rank of Pursuivant Extraordinary, after Coronation you would be rostered as Cordon Rouge Pursuivant with a personal rank of Pursuivant.
If you are currently Bombard Pursuivant with a personal rank of Pursuivant, after Coronation you would be rostered as Bombard Herald with a personal rank of Herald.
If you are currently Canon Pursuivant with a personal rank of Pursuivant Extraordinary, after Coronation you would still be rostered as Canon Pursuivant but with a personal rank of Pursuivant.
If you are currently the Acting PE for the College of Saint Christina with no personal rank, after Coronation you would be the Acting Pursuivant for the College and still have no personal rank.
If you are currently a Pursuivant At Large, your listing will change to Herald Extraordinary. Current Pursuivant Extraordinaries At Large will become Pursuivants Extraordinary.
Confused yet? I'm sure that with time it will all make sense.
The deadline for entries in the Roll of Arms competition first announced back in February 2000 was Rowany Festival. By then I had received but three entries, including the original one from Aneala that prompted the competition in the first place. Here are the details of each entry:
Aneala: a black & white "colouring book", printed from computer onto ordinary A4 paper. A complete gentry list of the Barony is followed by details of each gentle (3 per page) showing their name, arms (emblazon and blazon) and awards received. The barony's arms in full achievement grace the cover. An excellent way of teaching people about heraldic tinctures whilst familiarising them with the nobility of the group.
Mordenvale/Saint Crispin: a roll of arms for the Shire of Mordenvale, on A3 sheets. The "olde-world" text and the shields are computer generated, but the emblazons themselves have been drawn and coloured by hand. Six gentles are listed on each page, with the listing in order of precedence (i.e. royal peers first).
Saint Florian-de-la-rivière: a flag/banner with the arms and symbols of the barony on one side and arms of it's armigers on the other. As I saw this only briefly at Festival, I am relying on memory here. I do recall that it looked very impressive, but exact details escape me.
Due to the small number of entries, I have decided not to announce a winner. However, these three entries alone show that there is a lot of talent in Lochac, and that good results can be the outcome when it is applied. I am disappointed that more entries were not submitted, but I also realise that the lead-up to kingdom has increased the workload of many groups and made the pursuit of other projects less important.
It is my hope that Giles will continue to encourage the research and production of "rolls of arms" and other period means of heraldic display. For my part, I thank those of Aneala, Mordenvale and Saint Florian who took up the challenge I offered them, and apologise that I can offer them no reward other than my thanks.
Giles Leabrook becomes the new Crux Australis Herald. His predecessor Uberto Renaldi remains on the roster as a Herald Extraordinary.
Crux Australis Principal Herald: Giles Leabrook [Braddon Giles] 4A Etonville Parade, Croydon NSW 2132. Email herald@sca.org.au
Hund Herald (West Kingdom external commentary) and Bombard Pursuivant (Ceremonies deputy): Thorfinn Hrolfsson [Steven Roylance] 1592 Malvern Road, Glen Iris VIC 3146. Email roylance@corplink.com.au
Canon Pursuivant (Precedence and Gentry list): Morag Freyser [Helen Brinsmead] PO Box 455, Woden ACT 2606. Email canon@sca.org.au
Mortar Pursuivant (Education and Training): Massaria da Cortona [Melanie Johnston-Hollitt]. Email: massaria@hotmail.com
Rocket Pursuivant (New PE test): Aislinn de Valence [Megan Dansie] PO Box 526, Unley SA 5061. Email aislinn@merlin.net.au
Baryl Pursuivant (External commentary): VACANT- PLEASE APPLY
Subscriptions and Resources
The CAMeL is available from Crux Australis at $20 per year. Make cheques payable to "SCA Inc. College of Heralds".
Laurel's Letters of Acceptance and Return are available from the SCA College of Arms. Send a cheque for $US25 made out to "SCA Inc. - College of Arms" to Bruce R. Nevins, 2527 E. 3rd Street, Tucson AZ, 85716-4114, USA. As usual, everything of relevance to Lochac will be published in The CAMeL.
The Armorial and Ordinary, as well as updates to them, are available from SCA Inc. - Free Trumpet Press West. Their address is '1613 N. School St., Normal IL 61761-1240, USA'. They also sell the "Heraldic Pictorial Dictionary for the SCA", proceedings of Known World Heraldic Symposia and Compilations of Precedents by past Laurel Sovereigns of Arms. Contact me or visit their web site for more details.
I also recommend that groups acquire some name resources, in particular P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson's "A Dictionary of English Surnames" and E.G. Withycombe's "The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names". The latter is currently out of print, so if you spot it at a second-hand book sale, buy it!
Useful or interesting links:
The Blazons mailing list, the email list for Lochac's heralds - www.sca.org.au/mailman/listinfo/blazons.
The SCA Heraldry web page - www.sca.org/heraldry including the Laurel home page and on-line armorial and ordinary search.
The Academy of Saint Gabriel (lots of good articles on medieval names) - www.s-gabriel.org
West Kingdom Heralds' Handbook - heralds.westkingdom.org
Free Trumpet Press West (SCA heraldic publications) - www.sca.org/heraldry/ftpw.
Parker's Glossary of Heraldry - http://www04.u-page.so-net.ne.jp/ta2/saitou/ie401
Cost: $20 per new submission (name, device or badge). Note: a new name and device costs a total of $40. No cost for resubmissions or branch submissions. Make cheques or money orders payable to "SCA Inc. College of Heralds". Do not send cash through the post!
Copies required:
Please include ALL necessary documentation to support each submission. It is the responsibility of the submittor to present their submission in a way that makes registration easy. Name documentation should be as accurate as possible: remember to include photocopies of the title page as well as the relevent page(s) of any source used.
My next meeting will be starting at 2pm on Sunday 25th August 2002 at 4A Etonville Parade, Croydon NSW. Please call me beforehand if you intend to bring submissions for processing. The following meeting will be on Sunday the 29th September, then all final Sundays in the month.
Present at the Crux Australis Submissions Meeting held on Sunday 28th August 2002 at 4A Etonville Parade, Croydon NSW were: Their Majesties Elspeth Turberville and Alfar of Attica; Giles Leabrook, Crux Australis Herald; Massaria da Cortona, Mortar Pursuivant; Hrothgar aet Gytingbroc, Cinquefoil Pursuivant; Declan of Drogheda, Dromond Pursuivant; Gereint Scholar, Herald Extraordinary; Giles de Laval, Provost of Scribes and Liadan ingen Murchada.
My first meeting was nearly comparable with Ubertos last in terms of volume of business, but unfortunately not in terms of the post meeting party. This is something that Crux will be working on.
[ Note: Apologies for the lack of any mini-emblazons below. This was due to system compatibility problems between Giles' system and mine. Hopefully I can add them later. - Uberto ]
The following submissions were FORWARDED to the College of Arms in August 2002 for registration:
New Name (see RETURNS for Device)
The submitter desires a female name and will not accept any changes.
Ælfled: Cited to 970 from The Female Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames, an article by Talan Gwynek
New Name and Device
Per pale azure and gules, a greyhound statant argent and a chief ermine.
The submitter desires a female 12th-14th century Norman English name, cares most about the time period and will NOT accept major changes.
The submitter included Academy of St Gabriel Report 2502, which appeared entirely satisfactory documentation for her name.
This elegant device was praised by all at the meeting.
New Name and Device
Quarterly sable and argent, four horned demon heads counterchanged.
The submitter desires a male name, cares about the sound, and will not accept any changes.
Berenger: This is quoted from Withycombe page 47 of the 3rd edition, dated to 1201 and 1273.
Nancy: The Encyclopedia Brittanica entry for Nancy, in eastern France, describes the medieval city but does not give any specific dates. Crux feels that Britannicas definition of medieval will suffice for intention to register.
New Name and Device
Per saltire azure and gules a vol and an orle of chain Or.
The submitter will not accept any changes to his name.
Gui: This is quoted from Dictionairedes Prenoms, Tanet and Horde, Larousse, Montreal 2000. On page 215 there is a reference to Gui de Chauliac from 1363, my poor French suggests he was the author of a medical document.
Oberhausen: The submitter shows a Swiss battle roll from 1443, where some of the combattants appear to come from Oberhausen. This roll was found in The Swiss at War 1300-1500, Miller and Embleton, who attributed it to Miltarisches aus dem Zurichkrieg, Johannes Hane, Zurich 1925.
The submitter is very aware that he is mixing French and German elements in his name which is unusual but not unheard of.
The orle of chain is a restricted charge to the Knights of the SCA. Gui was knighted on the 12th of February by Uther, King of the West.
Change of Name and New Device
Quarterly argent and azure, a wyvern contourny erect gules.
The submitter will accept no changes to his name. His previous registered name was Gawaiun Tristram of Blackmoor.
Gawyne: The submitter shows two dated examples (1273, 1279) from the Academy of Saint Gabriel Problem Name Archive, those examples coming originally from either Reaney or Withycombe.
dIbelin: The submitter references John of Ibelin , who in 1198 made an account of a plea, recorded at http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/1198ibelin.html
This submission also includes a permission to conflict with Mistress Graidhne ni Ruaidh, whose registered badge is (fieldless) a dragon rampant to sinister gules maintaining a straight trumpet Or.
New Name and Device
Argent, 3 Lavender spikes proper and a chief enarched vert.
The submitter desires a female 12th-13th century English name, cares about the language/culture, and will accept major changes.
Helewis: This is quoted from Withycombe page 148 of the 3rd edition.
Richmond: The submitter supplied http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/badger/placenames:html#R
New Name and Device
Gyronny of eight Or and azure, on a chief argent 3 rooks wings sable.
The submitter desires a female name and will not accept any changes.
Juliana: The name of a nun who died in 1199, from page 219 of "The Heads of Religious Houses England and Wales 940-1216", ed. Professor David Knowles, Cambridge Uni Press, 1972.
de la Rokele: Richard de la Rokele 1233, from "Studies on Middle English Local Bynames in East Anglia", Stig Carlson, Lund Uni Press, 1989.
New Badge
(fieldless) A mantle gules, lined and charged on the sinister breast with a mullet of six points argent.
This new badge is for the use of the Office of the Keeper of the Regalia.
New Badge
Quarterly azure and argent, on a cross gules 4 mullets of 6 points argent.
This new badge is for the use of the citizens of Lochac as an allegiance badge.
Device resubmission to Laurel
Argent, a chief and chevron sable, overall a gryphon segreant gules.
The submitters name is already registered. This is a resubmission to Laurel, to clear issues with the overall charge obscuring the chief.
New Name (see RETURNS for Device)
Owen: Owen occurs on page 237 of our Withycombe, 3rd edition.
Torlyon: Torlyon is a shire in the Kingdom of Lochac.
N.B.: This gentleman ticked all sorts of boxes on his forms, including no major changes and authentic for 13th century. However Welsh names used patronymics in the 13th century, so a locative name from an SCA Kingdom is a real major change. BEWARE! I called the submitter and we came to an arrangement, rather than just sending it back. Please tick the boxes to help rather than harm your chances of registration.
New Name (see RETURNS for Device)
Sabin: Occurs on page 260 of Withycombe, 3rd edition, a good name source getting a bit of a workout this time around.
Salisbury: The submitter shows the Cathedral built between 1220 and 1258 to date Salisbury, from the website www.salisburycathedral.org.uk
Device resubmission to Crux
Vert,in pale a boar statant and a crescent argent.
The submitters name was considered at the previous Crux meeting, the device only required a useable black and white copy to proceed in the registration. Cinquefoil understands the submission requirements clearly now.
New Name and Device
Gules three piles argent, overall a standing seraph Or.
The submitter will not accept any changes, and doesnt care what gender her name is.
Yve: This is quoted from Withycombe page 148 of the 3rd edition.
Richmond: The submitter supplied http://www.s-gariel.org/names/badger/placenames:html#R
The following submissions were RETURNED for further work
New Device
Argent, chausse vert, a brock pelt proper.
This has been returned as it is offensive armoury of the roadkill variety. After talking with the submitter I am convinced that this was not his intention. In addition the colours were not uniform between the forms.
New Device
Per bend Or and purpure, overall a warhorse sable salient armoured argent.
This has been returned for redrawing. The emblazon is clearly Per bend purpure and Or. The posture of the horse resulted in a debate about salient vs. forcene. In addition, the horse has been drawn (very carefully it must be said) so that the argent of the armour is mostly on the purpure, and the sable on the Or. Very commendable, but not needed so rigourously as to obscure the posture of the horse, and cramp its size. The submitter has been advised to fill the escutchion with the horse, and worry a little less about colour on colour.
New Device
Azure, 3 otters statant within a bordure embattled argent.
This has been returned for conflict.
New Device
Azure, a cross of Jerusalem argent.
This has been returned for conflict.
The following submission was PENDED
New Device
Per fess sable and gules, a males griffins head erased within an orle argent.
This is pended while Crux redraws it. Normally I would return to the submitter, but this piece of work has been with us a little while and I feel personally responsible. It will pass at my next meeting. The device had a couple of problems in the artistic representation – the per fess division wasnt at the middle, the orle was very thin and the head too small. In fact, every element of the design needed redrawing, although the basic elements of the design were very good.
This my first CAMeL is just the bare bones. I hope that it will suffice and that in the future it will be full of really good stuff, but even more importantly ON TIME!