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Crux Australis Principal HeraldLady Sabine du Bourbonnais 7 Cumbria Court Belmont Qld 4153 phone: +61 7 3890 7717 or 0419 667 244 azerbaijan@optusnet.com.au |
Unto the College of Heralds of the Kingdom of Lochac, and all others who may read this missive, does Lady Sabine du Bourbonnais; Crux Australis Principal Herald, send greetings!
The June meeting was held at my home on Tuesday 8th June 2004 (delayed due to BMF), and was attended by …. well, just me actually. Thanks to everyone on the list who helped me out with some conflict checking on line late that night, especially Aryanhwy, who I swear never sleeps! This was my final meeting. As I understand it, there will be no meeting for the month of July, as the files will be in transit. Please hold any submission documents until address details for the incoming Crux can be published. The next meeting is likely to be mid August 2004.
[Top] [Contents]Crux Australis. Principal Herald.
An appointment to the position of Crux Australis Principal Herald has been made. The successful applicant is Wakeline de Foxley. Wakeline will be taking on the position on his return from Europe, shortly after Midwinter. Thank you to all who expressed an interest in the position.
Rocket Herald - Deputy in charge of special projects - PE test
This closing date for applications for this position has been extended indefinitely. The Crux Apparent, wishes to restructure the duty statement for this position further. Watch this space to find out how you may suit the new and improved Rocket Herald role. Enquiries to herald@sca.org.au
Bombard Herald - Deputy in charge of Ceremonies and Protocol
herald@sca.org.au before 30th June 2004. The successful applicant will be heading a committee of heralds and others interested in the development and improvement of Lochac ceremonies. Knowledge of period ceremonies, court heraldry, drama and public speaking an advantage. People interested in participating in the committee (…mittee, …mittee) should please contact me also.
[Top] [Contents]
Adelindis filia Gotefrid New name and device submission Consulting Herald: Karl Faustus von Achen Gules, a pile Or Submitter desires a 12th C, Flemish feminine name and will accept changes. 'Adelindis' is cited as being from 8th -11th C., and 'Gotefrid' from 9th -12th C. in 'Names in the Low Lands before 1150' (http://www.keesn.nl/names/en4-lists.htm). 'filia' common byname form for 'daughter of'. Device is in conflict with Duncan Fearmac MacLeod - Barry and per pale sable and argent, chausse gules. Registered Sept 2002 via Calontir. Permission to conflict provided. |
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Bernard Stirling New device submission Consulting Herald: Alys de Wilton Gules billety, a bear rampant argent. Name previously submitted on Lochac Letter of Intent for May 2004 |
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Edmund Ale-comer New device submission Consulting Herald: Karl Faustus von Aachen Checky vert and argent, on a pale azure a bear rampant. Name previously submitted on Lochac Letter of Intent for May 2004 |
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Eleyne de Comnocke New device submission Consulting Herald: Submitter Purpure, a saltire and on a chief argent, three rose purpure barbed vert and seeded Or. Name previously submitted on Lochac Letter of Intent for May 2004. |
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Everard Sefar New Name submission Consulting Herald: Giles Leabrook Submitter desires a 12th - 14th C. English name, and will allow changes. Everard' is cited from 1332 Lay Subsidy Rolls, Lincolnshire (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names) /mari/LincLSR/GivenMasculineFreq.html). 'Sefar' is cited from a document listing the Government Officers of East Anglian Boroughs 1272-1460 (http://www.trytel.com/~tristan/towns/mapp1_2a.html). |
Finndabhair inghean ui Mheadhra New Name submission Consulting Herald: none listed Submitter desires an Irish feminine name and will accept minor changes. 'Finndabhair' is cited from O'Corrain and Maguire 'Gaelic Personal Names'. 'Mheadhra' is cited from Kelly, 'Irish Family Names' (these sources do not list the exact spelling desired, but minor changes have been allowed for.) |
Magdalena Seraphina de Greye New Name submission Consulting Herald: Rhodri ap Tewdwr Awenydd Submitter desires a French/Norman name c.1500 and will allow minor changes Magdalena' is cited from Withycombe 'Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names', and Academy of St Gabriel Reports No 665 and 1832. 'Seraphina' is listed from Academy of St Gabriel Reports No 773 and 1679. 'de Greye' is cited from Reaney 'Origin of English Surnames', and Academy of St Gabriel Reports No 1521 and 1908. |
Rhodri ap Tewdwr Awenydd New Name submission see RETURNS for device. Consulting Herald: Submitter Submitter desires a Welsh masculine name c.1500 and will allow changes. Rhodri' is listed from Academy of St Gabriel Reports No 2308 and 2799. 'Tewdwr' is cited as being from Academy of St Gabriel Report No 2481, and 'Awenydd' from Academy of St Gabriel Report No 1684. |
St Augustine, College of New name and device submission Consulting Herald: Loralein dell' Isola Per Bend embattled argent and purpure, a laurel wreath vert and a scroll Or. College of St Augustine is name for it's patron saint, St Augustine of Hippo (AD354-430). Patron Saints Index found at http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/sainta02.htm . Populace petitions attached. |
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Ulvar MacVanis New device submission Consulting Herald: none listed Quarterly gules and purpure, three wolves courant in annulo argent. Name registered July 2000 via Lochac. |
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William filius Willelmi de Wyke New name and device submission. Consulting Herald: Alys de Wilton Per pale argent and sable, a bend cotised counterchanged. Submitter desires a14th C English masculine name and will accept minor changes. 'William' from Reaney; and 'filius Willelmi de Wyke' from two sources found in1327 Lay Subsidy roll for Spalding, Lincolnshire (http://www.le.ac.uk/elh/pot/lincspal.html). |
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Wulfric Halvedievel New name submission. Consulting Herald: Wulfric Halvedievel Submitter desires an 11-15th century masculine name of no specific culture, and will accept changes. Wulfric is cited as being from Catholic Online - Saint Wulfric c.1154. (http://catholic.org/sants.sant.php?saint_id2053), Halvedievel is referenced from Reaney and Wilsons' (http://sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/misplacednamesbyname.htm) Misplaced Names |
Arganhell Merch Briauc Name and device returned Consulting Herald: Giles Leabrook Gules, on a fess rayonny three torteaux. Submitter provides NO documentation for their name. Since the name is being returned, this great device is also being sent back for a redraw. The fess should represent only one third of the shield space, and the torteaux need to be drawn much larger. It appears free of conflict at this time. |
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Everard Sefar Device return Consulting Herald: Drago (Arrowsreach) Argent, a cross bottony and a chief indented gules. Am unsure what the submitter is wanting with this device, is it per inverted chevron, a triangular chief, or does the submitter really want an indented chief? It is poorly drawn for any of these options, and is being returned for a redraw. It appears free of conflict at this time |
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Rhodri ap Tewdwr Awenydd Device return Consulting Herald: submitter This device is being returned for a redraw. The submitter has pasted on a new shield shape which is larger than the space provided on the form which may come adrift, and coloured the submissions with crayon and glitter gel pens. Also, the mullets should be drawn as an outline only with no internal lines. This beautiful device appears free of conflict at this time. |
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Wulfric Halvedievel Device Return Consulting Herald: submitter Or, a wolf rampant and a chief sable. This device is in conflict with 'Checky argent and vert, a wolf rampant and a chief sable' registered to Randwulf aet Blackwulveslea (August 2001 via Calontir). |
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Cost: $20 per new submission (name, device or badge). No cost for resubmissions (within the permitted time limit) or branch submissions. Note: a new name and device costs a total of $40. Make cheques or money orders payable to "SCA Inc. College of Heralds". Do not send cash through the post!
NAMES - two (2) copies of both the form and ALL documentation, including title page of each book. Essays about a submitter's persona does NOT constitute documentation. - NO STAPLES! When citing websites as documentation, you must include a printout of the pages used.
DEVICES AND BADGES - four(4) colour copies and one (1) black & white OUTLINE copy. The colour copies should be accurately coloured, preferably in felt tip pen (eg Crayola Classic Colours). Colour printers or faint coloured pencil is not acceptable. The colours must be visible across a crowded Herald's meeting. Laurel has requested that gold pen NOT be used, as it deteriorates in files and turns to glue
Please include ALL necessary documentation to support each submission. It is the responsibility of the submitter to present their submission in a way that makes registration easy. Name documentation should be as accurate as possible: remember to include photocopies of the title page as well as the relevant page(s) of any source used.
[Top] [Contents]Firstly, I should like to offer my congratulations to Wakeline de Foxley on being announced as Crux Elect. I wish him well in the office, and am sure he will have the support of the entire college while he adjusts to his new role. July will be a transitional time, as mentioned in the meeting schedule section, there will be no July meeting, so please hold any submissions until we can provide suitable address details for the new Crux - please bear with us. Thank you also to the other applicants - by all accounts, it was particularly difficult decisions and they will be keeping you on file for two years hence!
Also, I want to say how impressed I am with the early efforts of our own Bat-Canon. The new Canon Lore looks absolutely fantastic and we can all see what an excellent tool it is going to be in the future. What an amazing job, well done Karl! Well, I think that is it from me - Thank you to everyone for your support and assistance.
Sabine du Bourbonnais,
Crux Australis Principal Herald
PS - Al, you can have your Wet Haddock of Impertinence back now!
[Top] [Contents]
Crux Australis Principal Herald:
Sabine du Bourbonnais(Robyn Boyer) |
Hund Herald (External Commentary);
Thorfinn Hrolfsson (Steven Roylance) |
Astrolabe Herald:
Alys de Wilton (Jennifer Geard) |
Mortar Pursuivant (Training and Education): Vacant |
Baryl Herald (External commentary):
Giles de Roet (Mark Calderwood) |
Rocket Herald (Special Projects/PE Test): see positions advertised |
Bombard Herald (Ceremonies and Protocol) see positions advertised
Website Maintenance: William filius Willelmi de Wyke (Alasdair Muckart) Email: silver at where dot else dot net dot nz |
Canon Herald (OP and Gentry list): Karl Faustus von Aachen (Paul Sleigh )
PO Box 1269, Belconnen ACT 2616 |