Society heraldry pages.

KWHSS ’08 Proceedings – Proceedings of the 2008 Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium held in Thamesreach.

Wenyeva atte grene’s Some heraldic and onomastic books found online – Exactly what the title says, a number of heraldically useful texts that can be found (at least partially) online.

Illustrated Rules for Submissions


Name Topics

Medieval Names Archive – A collection of articles on medieval and renaissance names hosted by the Academy of St. Gabriel. Intended to help historical re-creators to choose authentic names.

Da’ud Notation – A special notation set developed by Da’ud ibn Auda to represent characters outside the typical English alphabet and US-ASCII encoding.

Campaign to End Name Uniqueness

Annotated Name Book List by Jaelle of Armida


Armory Topics

Medieval Heraldry Archive – A collection of articles on medieval and renaissance heraldry hosted by the Academy of St. Gabriel. Intended to help historical re-creators to choose authentic armory.

Pennsic Traceable Art Project – A set of traceable heraldic motifs in various sizes for preparing armory submissions. Excellent for those with little artistic talent, or wishing to avoid clipart taken from Fox-Davies. NOTE: Use of this traceable art is NOT a guarantee that it will pass Laurel.

Problem Charges to update your Pic Dic Pendar the Bard’s listing of items that should be corrected in 1st and 2nd Ed. Pic Dics.

Parker’s Glossary of Heraldry, rescued from Geocities.

An Annotated List of Period Armorials Available Online



Images of extant banners and standards

Build a better heraldic tabard by Mistress Rowan Perigrynne – A paper on heraldic tabards in general, with particular reference to construction of the Crux Australis tabard. Includes scale patterns and templates.

Problem Charges to update your Pic Dic

(There Must Be) Fifty Ways to Use Your Arms by Coblaith Muimnech

How to Silk Paint Banners



Lochac Scribes blog and Flickr account.


Administrative matters

Commenting on Letters of Intent By Brunissende Dragonette