Note: The roster is currently undergoing repair, so at this time it is being updated manually. If you notice an error or omission, please contact Mortar Herald.

Crux Australis Staff

Crux Australis Principal Herald is assisted by their heraldic deputies, each of whom has responsibility for a different aspect of heraldry in the Kingdom. A full description of the role of each deputy can be found here.

OfficeOffice HolderSince
Crux Australis Principal HeraldMistress Isabella de BordeauxSeptember 2023
Coffyn Herald (2IC & Special Projects) Hon. Gwyn CantorDecember 2023
Astrolabe Herald (Eastern Deputy)
Baryl Herald (Western Deputy)
Bombarde Herald (Ceremonies)Lady Amanda MartelDecember 2023
Canon Herald (Precedence)Mistress Leonie de GreyFebuary 2025
Chaine Shot Herald (Education)Master Pádraig LowtherApril 2015
Mangonel Herald (Silent Heraldry)
Mortar Herald (Webminister)Autrou Ollivier Le FlochApril 2024
Powder Horn Herald (Records)Master Christoval GitanoJanuary 2025
Quarrel Herald (Roll of Arms)Mistress Glynhyvar of River HavenDecember 2023
Rocket Herald (Submissions)Lady Rúnfríðr KeiliselgrFebruary 2025

Group Heralds

Below is a list of the heraldic officers for each branch. Please contact your local branch Herald if you have a question of a heraldic nature, and they should be able either to help you or to refer you to somebody who can.

Heralds who currently hold an office (the so called “in-ordinary” heralds) take a title that depends on their position. Baronial heralds and heralds on Crux’s staff may style themselves as “X Herald” for the duration of their office, where X is the appropriate heraldic title. The heraldic officers of other groups are styled as “Branch-name Pursuivant“.

BranchOfficeOffice Holder
AdoraAdora Pursuivant
AnealaBlackwing HeraldLady Leoflaeda AElfwynnesdohter
Blessed Herman the CrippleBlessed Herman the Cripple PursuivantTálán macc úa Fiachna
BordescrosBordescros Pursuivant
BurnfieldBurnfield PursuivantKyrios Stephanos Maniakes Pogonatos
CluainCluain Pursuivant
DartonDarton Pursuivant
Dismal FogsDismal Fogs Pursuivant
Dragons BayDragons Bay Pursuivant
IldhafnBlue Lymphad HeraldLady Etain ingen Choilien
InnilgardFrette Rouge HeraldLady Ari Egillsdóttir
Krae GlasJoye sans fin heraultLady Mærƿynn of Legeceasterscire
MordenvaleAlefounder HeraldBaron Gilchrist Morgan
OkewaiteOkewaite Pursuivant
PolitarchopolisCordon Rouge HeraldLady Amanda Martel
River HavenAquarius HeraldMistress Glynyhvar of River Haven
RowanyCinquefoil HeraldLord Hrafn inn Rauði
Southron GaardTour d’Or HeraldLady Isabella Catarina di Massi
Saint Basil the GreatSaint Basil the Great Pursuivant
Saint Christina the AstonishingSaint Christina the Astonishing PursuivantJohannes van Aemstel
Saint CrispinSaint Crispin Pursuivant
Saint-Florian-de-la-rivièreBottony Cross HeraldMaster Drake Morgan
Saint MonicaSaint Monica PursuivantTassilon of Saint Monica
Saint UrsulaSaint Ursula Pursuivant
StegbyStegby Pursuivant
StormholdGoutte d’Eau HeraldLady Lann Screchoc ingen Briain
Stowe on the WowldStowe on the Wowld PursuivantShinjo Takame
StrathcorbieStrathcorbie Pursuivant
TorlyonTorlyon Pursuivant
Ynys FawrDromond HeraldLady Arianwen verch Anerain

Heralds Extraordinary

Those who have been of great assistance for sustained duration to the College of Heralds may be given the status of ‘Herald Extraordinary‘ by the Crown and be given a personal heraldic title – their choice of a registerable heraldic name. Lochac’s Heralds Extraordinary are listed here.

NameDateHeraldic Title
Þorfinn HrolfssonApril 2007Hund Herald
Giles Leabrook March 2013
Bernard Stirling August 2018
ffride wlffsdotterSeptember 2019Morelle heraut
Brían dorcha ua ConaillSeptember 2020
Karl Faustus von AachenNovember 2021Batty Herald

Roster of Heralds

Below is the roster of active heralds in the Kingdom of Lochac. Active, in this sense, means they have completed the last Herald Census or have subsequently completed the Roster Details Form. The last Census was held in May AS59 (2024). Names that are links will take you to the person’s Canon Lore entry. Explanation of rank and the various skills can be found below the roster.

If you wish to be added to the roster, please complete the Roster Details Form. Please see Lochac Heraldic Policy for the requirements to be a rostered herald. If you believe you are worthy of the rank of Pursuivant, please consider completing the Pursuivant Readiness Portfolio.

Gwyn CantorPursuivantAnealaXXXXX
Aife ingen EchdachMacerAnealaXX
Leonie de GreyMacerAnealaXXX
Edith PenroseMacerAnealaXXX
Nathan BlacktowerMacerAnealaXXXXX
Gabriel ZieglerPursuivantBlessed Herman the CrippleXXXXX
Honoré CorbautMacerBordescrosXX
Sorle MaknicollHeraldBordescrosXXXXX
Sithech of CluainMacerCluainXX
Domenego Ferrante di AldobrandoMacerCluainXXXX
Bernard StirlingHerald ExtraordinaryDartonXXX
Fiora Maria VespucciHeraldDartonXX
Uberto RenaldiHeraldDismal FogsXXXXX
Etain ingen ChoileinMacerIldhafnXXXX
Eleyne de ComnockeHeraldIldhafnXXXXX
Amos IronbeardPursuivantInnilgardXXXXX
Aislinn de Valence
Annys BlodwellMacerInnilgardXXXXX
Wahriia of St Christina the AstonishingMacerInnilgardXX
Tobias Chester
Aeschine of Arran
Mathias Feuerbach
Tálán macc úa FiachnaMacerInnilgardXXXX
Ollivier Le FlochHeraldInnilgardXXX
Padraig LowtherHeraldInnilgardXXXXX
Margie of Glen MoreMacerKraé GlasXXXXX
Tassilon of Saint MonicaMacerKraé GlasXXX
Mærwynn of LegeceasterscireMacerKraé GlasXXXXX
Gabrielle HamiltonHeraldLochacXXXXX
Bjorn Bjarnylr Bassason ór BjarneyuPursuivantMordenvaleXXXXX
Ceara ShionnachPursuivantPolitarchopolisXX
Merione FrenchMacerPolitarchopolisXXX
Amanda MartelHeraldPolitarchopolisXXXXX
Amelot de AkeneyHeraldPolitarchopolisXXXXX
Gwen verch DavidHeraldPolitarchopolisXXX
Alexandra HartshorneMacerPolitarchopolis
Robin of TwyfordPursuivantRiver HavenXXXXXX
Glynyhvar of River HavenHeraldRiver HavenXXXXX
Shinjo TakameMacerRowanyXX
Jean-Christophe le SaussierMacerRowanyXXX
atomeja paitijaMacerRowanyXX
Hrafn inn RauðiMacerRowanyXXXXX
Medb ingen ind IasachtaHeraldRowanyXXXXX
Rosalind BeaufortHeraldRowanyXXXX
Johannes van AemstelMacerSaint Christina the AstonishingX
Kamara SklerainaPursuivantSaint Florian de la RiviereXXX
Sabine du BorbonnaisHeraldSaint Florian de la RiviereXXXX
Rúnfríðr KeiliselgrPursuivantSaint MonicaXXX
Ailbhe of St MonicaMacerSaint MonicaX
Ares HumnoidosMacerSaint MonicaX
Finn of Saint MonicaMacerSaint MonicaXX
Sigrith parðiMacerSouthron GaardXX
Gabriella BorromeiPursuivantStegbyXXXXX
Nicolette de CouloursMacerStormholdXXXXX
Bermund WandelbarMacerStormholdX
Gillucan ua TomaltaigMacerStormholdXXX
Fionnghuala nic an t’SionnaighMacerStormholdXXX
ffride wlffsdotterHerald ExtraordinaryStormholdXX
Brían dorcha ua ConaillHerald ExtraordinaryStormholdXXXXX
Þorfinn HrolfssonHerald ExtraordinaryStormholdXXXXX
Iames DouglasMacerStrathcorbieXXXX
Isabella de BordeauxHeraldTorlyonXXXXX
Anna Felice TavestochePursuivantYnys FawrXXXXX
Tiberius Aelius Paulli filius Sabatina tribu Faustus VespertilioHerald ExtraordinaryYnys FawrXXXXX
Hrolf HerjolfssenHeraldYnys FawrXXXXX
Drusticc inigena EddarrnonnHeraldYnys FawrXX
Eawyn BridieMacerYnys Fawr


There are four levels of personal heraldic rank in Lochac: Macer, Pursuivant, Herald and Herald Extraordinary.

Macer is the rank given to in-training members of the College of Heralds. A Macer has a demonstrated interest in SCA heraldry, and
some level of activity within the College. The rank of Pursuivant is given to those who have shown basic knowledge and competence in multiple aspects of heraldry, while the rank of Herald is given to those of greater expertise. If you believe you are worthy of the rank of Pursuivant, please consider completing the Pursuivant Readiness Portfolio. Promotion to the rank of Herald and movement between the various ranks is at the discretion of the Crux Australis Principal Herald.

Those who have been of great assistance for sustained duration to the college of Heralds may be given the status of ‘Herald Extraordinary‘ by the Crown and be given a personal heraldic title – their choice of a registerable heraldic name.

Heralds who currently hold an office (the so called “in-ordinary” heralds) take a title that depends on their position. Baronial heralds and heralds on Crux’s staff may style themselves as “X Herald” for the duration of their office, where X is the appropriate heraldic title. Group heralds for other groups (Shires, Cantons and Colleges) should describe themselves as “Group-name Pursuivant” for the duration of their warrant.


The skills columns in the general roster indicates self-identified experience in the various areas of heralding: voice (general announcements, can shout a bit); court (knows about ceremonies, has spoken for the Crown before); silent (can perform some level of sign language interpreting at events); field (has announced bouts at tournaments); names (consults on registering names with the College of Arms); and armoury (consults on designing and registering devices and badges). Levels of experience may vary, but it’s a place to start for help.