Applications closing soon: Canon Herald, Powder Horn Herald
When I called for applicants for various deputy roles now vacant (or about to be), I did not give a deadline. Now that I have a couple of applicants for some roles, I want to give people considering applying a chance to do so.
Applications for Canon Herald and Powder Horn Herald will close on Friday, 6 April (one week from when I last announced the vacancies). I will then call for commentary on my preferred candidate, with commentary to close on Sunday, 15 April. This will allow for the successful applicants to be known by Festival.
These are deputy positions, so while Crux (by convention) calls for applications and then commentary, the time frames required for officer appointments don’t have to apply.
If anyone finds the deadline too onerous and intends to apply, email me to at least let me know and I will consider the request. The details of the available roles can be found here.
In service,
Sorle Crux