CAMEL, May 2019
Unto the heralds and populace of the Kingdom of Lochac does Amanda Martel, Crux Australis Principal Herald, send greetings.
To start this missive, some congratulations. The recent LOAR cover letter introduced a new section, “Commendations to Commenters”. The commendation from Pelican was to none other than our own Mistress ffride wlffsdotter! To quote:
“I can think of no one more fit to begin with than Mistress ffride wlffsdotter of the Kingdom of Lochac. ffride can always be counted on to lend her knowledge and skills to try to salvage names that lack sufficient documentation, usually with remarkable success. Her expertise in Russian and various other Eastern European languages has been invaluable to me and my predecessors. She is a boon to name heraldry in the Society and deserves all the appreciation that we can give her.”
Congratulations also to the Lochac Fibre Guild, who now have a registered badge. I look forward to seeing what such a collection of skilled artisans will do now that they have heraldry for their collected efforts.
My thanks to Lady Gwen verch David for her efforts in getting this done, from the process of designing possible badges, getting buy-in from the group as a whole, and producing the necessary paperwork. Producing registrations for distributed and wide-ranging groups is always a challenge.
The season for reports has whooshed past, as I put the final touches on my own report to be sent up the chain. This quarter produced much better rate of reporting than last quarter, though still with a few gaps.
The Lochac Heraldic Census due date has also passed us by, sadly with a response rate of o only 52%. If you haven’t filled out the Roster Details Form yet (the way to respond to the census), and wish to remain on the roster, please see to it post-haste.
Responding to the census, once every other year, is the only reporting requirement for being on the roster. In the next month, I will begin cleaning up people who have not completed the census (taking it as a request to be removed).
The following items have been registered in Lochac on the March 2019 Letter of Acceptance and Response:
Aljohar bat David. Device.
Annabel de Swinburne. Name.
Dominika Borishkovaia. Name and device.
Helena de Sartria. Name.
Helouys le Poer. Name.
Lochac, Kingdom of. Badge for Lochac Fibre Guild. Argent, on a fess cotised gules a Wake knot argent.
Mær{w}ynn of Legeceasterscire. Name change from Elswyth Goodfellow.
Marguerite Chasse. Name and device. Gules, on a bend argent four roses gules.
Raffe De Massard. Device. Per fess embattled gules and sable, three fleurs-de-lis and a bee Or.
Skæringr Arta. Name and device. Gules, on a pale endorsed argent a rose gules slipped and leaved Or.
Skjaldadís Bragadóttir. Name.
Viðarr hálftr{o,}ll. Name and device. Per saltire vert and azure, in pale two wolves courant and in chief a sun between an increscent and a decrescent argent.
Rocket Herald will send out individual missives to all those with acceptances (no returns again this month). Quarrel Herald will update the Lochac Roll of Arms, which will be available at when done.
Yours in service to the Kingdom and Crown of Lochac,
Amanda Martel
Crux Australis Principal Herald